Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Last day in Sweden! :(

Today was my last day in Sweden! :( I am really sad to leave all of these amazing people I have met and stayed with! They have made my life so much more exciting for the past three weeks. Tack!

Hannah let me sleep in again today because we got home so late last night. When I woke up this morning I took a look and my room and sighed. It was so messy. It seems that whenever I try to pack things get even messier. Shouldn't it be the opposite? I don't understand! But don't worry daddy, I made my bed. :)

After a breakfast/lunch Hanna and I went downtown to do some last minute shopping with Austin and Ida. We went to the small mall and some of the shops around the town square but many of them closed early or were not open today, but it was still fun. We met Sandra at 4ish and got fika with her at a small cafe. They have fika cafes in Sweden! It is amazing!

After eating fika, Hanna and I hurried home to change quickly before going to the pool house/gym to play floor ball with Ida, Austin, and Ida's youth group. There were less people this time so it was much more intense but still amazing! We should start a floor ball group at school.

After floor ball Hanna and I hurried home to take quick showers before Matilda, Frank, and Patrik came over for tacos. In Sweden the Friday night food is pizza, tacos, or Chinese food, all very delicious! It was so nice to spend my last night in Sweden with friends like these. We spent the time playing Mao which was really funny because Frank got really frustrated and Hanna and I were the only ones who had played before. Frank, Patrik, and Matilda also took the cinnamon challenge, which was really funny. Frank ended up running around in circles because some of it went down his throat. After Matilda, Frank, and Patrik went home at midnight Hanna went to sleep for three hours, we were waking up at three, when Hampus was driving us to the airport. I stayed up to pack. I finished just in time.

It has been amazing here in Sweden and I am so fortunate to have had this amazing opportunity! I am excited to go home but I am going to miss everybody here so much! Tack så mycket! 

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