
Austin and I were unable to go to Ekebyskolan today so we returned to Kungsängsgymnaset for another great day. In the morning Hanna and I went to English and Social Studies. In English class the teacher took two more groups out of the room to talk about their books, while the rest of the class stayed inside and read an article, if they had not already, about catching and eating tiger snakes. They also had time to prepare for a practice English test that they will be taking tomorrow. I will be taking the test tomorrow too and I am really excited. It will be on British English so things will be a bit different but very interesting and very fun! In Social Studies a couple more groups presented their presentations and then the teacher talked for the rest of the time. Next came a lunch of burritos and tacos that we quite delicious. Then came math! Yep, you guessed it, two whole hours of math! Ida had to take an English test which was writing an essay so Austin came with us to math class. After the math teacher had finished talking the students were given work time. Work time for Austin and I meant crafts time! I think we have perfected the art of making balloons and cranes out of graph paper! We grabbed our usual chocolate ball snack during our five minute break before returning to class. After math, the last class of the day, we met up with Ida and talked for a bit before parting our separate ways, we would be meeting up later for dinner at Lars's house, our sponsor!
When we got home we thought it would be fun to bake something. We were going to make tryffelkaka until Hanna saw a link on the page to a recipe for a short cake-type backed good called kokosrutor. Change in plans, we are making kokosrutor! Kokosrutor os a type of thin, light, and fluffy chocolate cake covered in chocolate icing when it is hot so that the icing melts in a bit before hardening again and then it is covered in a light coating of shaved coconut. It was amazing!

Tonight Austin and I got to meet our sponsor for the first time: Lars! It was very exciting. We went over to his house for tapas and we brought our kokosrutor with us to share with the others. Hanna and Ida came along with the four girls who will be coming to the Toledo in February: Emma (my host sister), Hannah, Matilda, and Christina. It was very nice to meet all of the girls before they came over to Toledo. We talked about Maumee Valley and Lars told us stories of his travels. Afterwords, when Hanna and I got home, we collapsed on the couch to watch part of a movie before going to bed, completely exhausted. Tack, tills imorgon!
I would love to hear more about Lars. Why did he set up this program? What did he enjoy most about his time in the US, and what is he hoping new students (both Swedish and American) will learn from these exchanges?
ReplyDeleteI think he set up this program to reword the students that work really hard in school because it is the people with the best grades who get to come over. I am not sure what he enjoyed most but he told a lot of stories about all of the people he met in the U.S. and still kept in tough with. I think he hopes that new students learn as much as possible about the differences between Swedish culture and American culture and how to keep a relationship strong across so much space and time.