Today Emma, Austin, Ida, Ida's younger siblings, and I visited the cultural center of Sala. It is a small museum right next to the library. They had a roller coaster exhibit which consisted of a huge amusement park with a very long roller coaster, all made out of paper. The exhibit Also had two small tables with art supplies so that we could make our own miniature amusement parks. We spent quite a while at those two tables, painting and hot gluing card board to make pieces of art work. I tried to make a Dalahäst out of cardboard, it kinda of worked though it was nothing like the originals made out of wood.
The museum also had an exhibit with pieces of art by Aguéli, a famous Swedish painter, from Sala. His artwork had become very popular after he had died, and a man in Sala collected many of his pieces of artwork. Before he died he donated all of Aguéli's art that he had collected and donated it to the national museum, but with one request, that the art be kept on display in Sala. So, to this day the art work is kept in Sala and it is featured in the cultural center.
Emma, Austin, and I also made cookies today. They were special Swedish cookies called bisquit made out of almond paste, eggs, and sugar. Then the after they are baked you cover the flat side with a dome of chocolate butter cream and then cover that in a layer of chocolate. They were delicious, easily the best cookies I have ever had!
Tonight we went over to Emma's friend, Agnus's house for dinner. They live just outside of Sala on a farm next to Ida's grandparents house! They have 5 horses, which we visited, and hens which we saw from a distance. After dinner, Emma and I taught Agnus and one of her younger brothers, Philip, how to play Mao, a very cool card game. It was very fun and I was glad I was able to teach them an American card game, Austin, Ida, and I had taught Emma earlier on in the week.
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