Tuesday, October 30, 2012


October 30, 2012

Today Emma, Filippa, Lotta, and I took the train to Stockholm. Filippa and Lotta went off to work and shop (they will be returning that night to Sala by train). Emma and I were greeted by Ida and Austin along with friends: Sandra, Jennifer, Maria, and Ellen. We spent the day walking around Stockholm and visiting some museums before returning to Ida's grandfathers house.

Stockholm is so beautiful! All of the buildings are painted bright colors, like red, yellow, and green and the river that runs right through Stockholm is gorgeous. Just like in Sala people walk everywhere but because Stockholm is the capital of Sweden it is quite a bit bigger, about 1 million people, they have many buses and ferries. But these buses are not like the buses in Toledo. For one thing, the majority of the people use them every day, and secondly they are extremely clean and comfortable! Nothing like the buses in Toledo. Sweden's transportation system is so much better than America's!

Today we visited two museums. The first museum we visited was the modern museum or Moderna Museet. Here we saw extraordinary art by Picasso and Duchamp. We also watched a short movie (felm) about an actress who was playing an actress and we saw a modern photography exhibit. Unfortunately Sandra, Jennifer, Maria, and Ellen had to leave us at the Moderna Museet. The next museum we visited was the national museum or National Museet. There we saw several art exhibits including a pride and prejudice exhibit and a slow art exhibit. The pride and prejudice exhibit included several amazing paintings of famous painters and royalty. My favorite painting was "The Lady with the Veil". The slow art exhibit featured art that took a really long time to make, for example a dress made out of glass and a rabbit made out of clay with each individual hair made out of an individual strand of clay.

For lunch, in between museums, we ate at Max, the Swedish equivalent of McDonalds. I don't know if it was the fact that I have not had a burger in ages or the fact that Max's burgers are a lot better than McDonald's, or a combination of both, but they were really, really good!

Emma and I are staying at Ida's grandparents house tonight. Tomorrow we will visit some more museums along with the Palace before we all head back to Sala. Tack, tills vidare.


  1. Why was "The Lady with the Veil" your favorite? Did you take any pictures with these people that you are able to share? Also, I'm wondering if the museums are free or if they charge visitors. If they are free, do you know whether or not the government funds them? I'm always interested in how other cultures value art.

    1. Yes "The Lady with the Vail" was my favorite so far. You could not take pictures inside the museums but I do have pictures of other things that I will post as soon as I get them from my camera to my iPad. Mall of the museums we have visited so far were free for people our age but I think you may have had to pay if you were older. I do think that at least the national museum is funded by the government, I am not sure about the others. I think that the Swedish people value art highly because many of the museums we visited had many paintings by many world famous and Swedish famous artists.

  2. Hi Natalie,
    I like to visit museums when I explore a city too. And I wonder why the architecture is often colorful? Maybe the gray skies and stark landscape of the long winters?
    The Palace sounds like it would be worthy of a visit. Aren't the Nobel Prizes given out in Stockholm?
    So I imagine you will meet up with Austin and Ida and you will be able to explore the city together.
    Are you going to stay in the city for the weekend?
    No school yet, is this a vacation time?
    Mrs. K

  3. Yes, the Nobel prizes are given out in Sweden, we passedoneof the buildings where it is decided who the winner of the litirature Nobel prize is. We spent 2 days in Stockholm and stayed in Ida's grandfathers house. It was ver fun to explor such an amazing city. Yep, no school yet, but the go back to school on monday. I am having an amazing time exploring Sweden!
