I am finally in Sweden! After a long day of traveling, an enjoyable trip, Madagascar 3, and a quick stop in Amsterdam, Austin and I reached Stockholm. Emma and Hanna were waiting for us at the airport when we arrived and Ida arrived shortly after. It was so nice to see Ida and Hanna again after such a long time away and it was amazing to meet my first host sister Emma finally after many conversations via Facebook.

I left Austin and Ida in Stockholm and Emma, Hanna, Emma's dad Jonas Moen, and I traveled to Sala where Emma and Hanna live. Lotta Moen, Emma's mother, and Filippa Moen, Emma's younger sister, we're waiting at the house when we arrived and they had made an amazing dinner of Swedish meatballs (Svenska köttbullar), potatoes (potatis), and salad(sallad) with apple pie (äppelpaj) and caramel ice cream (karamellglass) for dinner. Hanna stayed for quite a while but eventually had to leave because she and her family were going on vacation the next day and their flight left at 3am that next day. Because of the long flight and the 6 hour time difference I was very tired and went to bed soon after Hanna left.

The next day, today, we took a historical/ghost tour of the Salva Silver mine (Silvergruva) in Sala, "everybody who visits Sala must visit the silver mine." it was both scary and interesting at the same time. Sonny, one of Lotta's students, Ida, and Marita came with us to visit the silver mine. I learned a lot about the mine and how it was built. Because we it is close to Halloween, it was a ghost tour. We were all terrified afterwards, especially me and Filippa.

They celebrate Halloween differently here in Sweden. Not many people go trick or treating, though they use to maybe 5 or so years ago. Instead Halloween is more about scaring other people than about the candy. People at both Hanna's school and Emma's school dressed up in costumes last Friday and at Emma's school their was a contest for best costume.
The rest of the day Emma and I walked around the center square of Sala and visited the mall and the park. Even though it was cold and rainy out there were many people walking around, going to the store for food or going shopping at the mall. Lotta explained to me that everybody walks everywhere because the price of gas is so high, they have to be very careful and make sure they do not use the car when it is not necessary. I feel kind of silly for driving all the time at home now.
Today there was the first snow fall (snö fall) of the year. It was gorgeous to wake up to a blanket of snow on the ground and fat white flakes in the air, though the snö had stopped by lunch and it was all gone by dinner time.
We are planning on going to Stockholm tomorrow by train and I can't wait! I can't wait to see more of this amazing and beautiful country! Tills imorgon.